

Frimsa brings you the finest Argentinian prime beef, humanely raised on fertile grasslands. From tenderloin medallions to succulent coulotte steaks and dry-aged striploins, our grass-raised Angus cattle produce exquisitely marbled beef, evident in signature cuts that form the pride of Argentinian cuisine. Ribeye shows elegant Persianettone marbling and a fine texture guaranteeing a memorable feast. Our humane treatment and masterful butchery create beef that mingles pedigree with ethical values from a lineage of skill nourishing communities for generations.


Our cattle enjoy a natural, stress-free upbringing roaming open pastures, which influences the biochemical composition of the meat. Research shows grass-fed beef has higher levels of antioxidants like vitamin E and beta-carotene compared to grain-finished cattle. The omega-3 fatty acids are also higher while total fats and cholesterol are often lower. Factors like terrain, flora biodiversity and low stocking density further enrich the nutrient density. Our Angus and Hereford cattle marbled intramuscular fat exhibits a rich creamy texture. When coupled with expert aging and meticulous processing controls to prevent spoilage microbiota, the result is beef that delivers exceptional flavor and tenderness bite after succulent bite.


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